

Ma: 11:30 - 22:00 Mutass többet
Konyha típus:
Nemzetközi, Magyaros, Mexikói
Elfogadott kártyák:
WIFI, Melegétel, Terasz, Kártyás fizetés

We are a fast casual restaurant: you’ll find us somewhere between fast food and fine dining. We promise something unique:
- fast, interactive service with sit down option
- real gourmet food — not the fast food version — at reasonable price
- contemporary decor and ambiance
- presented in a fun way: Burrita style.

Burrita likes both street kitchens and Michelin stars:) Our cuisine is inspired by the food served in street carts in Mexico. Our menu utilizes only the highest quality natural ingredients — and of course the Secret Sauce;) we discovered in Acapulco, Mexico. The produce is super tasty but super healthy!

Our dishes are served in biodegradable take away boxes or in burrito form: relax and sit down — or eat on the go.

If you like Burrita as we do, you will meet her in Budapest in other classy brick & mortar locations.

Mutass többet


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Burrita Bar

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